“I have had enough!”

Created by Chloe 2 years ago
A story that grandma would always recall is the one where she stormed out the bathroom shouting. She had been looking after me and Calum for the day and I had got a new pram for Christmas or birthday, it was a three wheeler and a favourite. I had taken the pram over to grandmas to play with. As we were getting ready to leave, everything was piled in the hall including her fold away shopping basket on wheels. She had gone to the bathroom and while she wasn’t there me and Calum started arguing about who was going to take the pram downstairs. We must have been going on a bit because all of sudden she comes storming out the bathroom shouting “I have had enough!” She put me in one room and Calum in another. She let us cool off a bit - presumably so she could cool off as well! Then came in to tell me that calum was taking the pram down! Still to this day I would tell her it was my pram and we would just laugh about it! At the time we were all silent on the way home and as we were nearing the house grandma gently said to us both that mummy didn’t need to know about the shouting and we are all friends now. We both had agreed to keep it to ourselves until Calum spotted Ruth and immediately blabbed “I’ve been on the naughty step mummy”. That story has been told so many times that it is definitely one of her favourite grandma stories.